Wednesday, May 2, 2012

our three websites: Squareleaf, sweetsearch, and stixy

by Kiri and Tori..
sorry for the blurriness.. can't seem to help it any.. ^^;


  1. Squareleaf looks fun if i used tools like that. you can make notes and things like that on there.

  2. squareleaf seems like it would be very helpful in an office type of job.. I would use it a lot because i am always very forgetful lol

  3. Yea, If you were using squareleaf in an office setting, it would be good to use. But outside of an office, no, I wouldn't use it that much.

  4. those are both really cool websites squareleaf can be very helpful if you need to remember something.

  5. The first and last websites are a lot alike, but I like the idea. I definitely need to be reminded when I have to do things. They might come in handy.

  6. sweetsearch would be nice for doing projects. i could really use that in the future.

  7. swuareleaf would be a good website for people who forget things and it would also be good for people who work in offices, but I wouldn't use it though because i work outside a lot.

  8. Stixy seems like a great site if you are trying to plan something and need to keep a lot of separate lists and calendar dates on the same page. I like that you can also make multiple stixyboards and save them all.

  9. I think squareleaf would help a lot for remembering things. Both these websites would be great to use.
