Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Google Drives Policy Issue

The Google Drives Policy issue is very controversial at best.

'"The terms of service are bad, but even worse is that Google has made clear it will change its terms of service whenever it wishes," said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).'

This is what I have found on: http://www.pcworld.com/article/254600/google_drive_privacy_policies_slammed.html

This is not all, however as there is always more.. but none of it is good news..

'Still another Dropbox user, -- Mark Mc., noted that while Google might not sell or disclose data without a user's permission, "they can, however, use that data in anyway shape or form the like internally - and if that includes selling personalised [sic] ad's based on data farming of the files that I've uploaded I'm out of there!"'

There are an unfortunate number of people talking of how they are refusing to use google drive any longer; that it is all just a bunch of endless bull.

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