Monday, April 30, 2012

FB privacy policy

I have never, in my four years of Facebooking, thought much about the privacy settings too in depth as i probably should've. The way the privacy settings change from time to time, it's unbelievable! I also never knew you could actually Privatize almost everything on your account (put your FB privacy on lock down). Thing's are ten times more crazy then I thought it was... throwing everything out of alignment (at least for me). I don't think the Facebook policy should be that long.. It's ridiculous to think that not even the Constitution is that long! People don't already care to read it, but i for one would like to, if given the five years (yes, i over exaggerate, but still..) it takes to read every last little word. I like reading, but jeez.. -.-x
we should be given at least some fairness in this world of seriousness and cruelty..
Things this seemingly easy should not be so difficult. and i'm not just blaming FB for it's long privacy policy, oh, no. This here goes to the rest of 'em with their long, drawn out, ridiculous policies as well.
But, i digress.

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