Thursday, January 19, 2012

this class......... So far.

Oki. So... This class has been a little helpful, but also a bit confusing.. i've learned a little about a few things i accidentally threw myself into completely blindfolded (google+)... uhm... this last project has been a little confusing (everyone else is doing soooo much better than my group!!! TTATT Also, courier looks like a label from a label maker like this. '^^. =3 hahah. by the way, this guy ('^^. =3), he is George and he is letting out a nervous sigh. he makes other faces too, so be on the look out! :D oh, and i love the way it's easy to communicate, but google's powerpoint program is sooooo FRUSTRATING!! i have so much to say; but no more to really say about this class.... love Graphics; LOVE working with Photoshop. anyways, i will be back again later for a new random post... :D have fun 'til then; until it's time once again FOR.....

                  "Dori's Random Posts!!" hahahahah.... '^_^


  1. i agree, this class is a little confusing at first but if you ask the teacher or someone next to you, you can figure things out.

    1. not if the person next to you is your partner and she has no idea either! hahah.. '^^. =3

  2. I think the presentation is a little frustrating because you don't know what everyone else is going to do and then you have to chat with them rather than actually talk.

    1. i agree.... one of my partners wouldn't chat back with me so i could figure out what she was doing and what was going on...
