Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Senior year..

Senior year..
as it comes to a close for me, I wish the best for next years seniors.
Good Luck with your tests, scholarships, college searches, band state (still wishing you guys a 1!), and everything in between.
Mine has been an adventure I'll never forget, as well as the three years that trail behind it of loads of experience. Remember (this goes to anyone) that when walking through the hall, pretend you're a fish swimming against a current, or you're finding your way through a maze; make a game of it!
To all the teachers who are leaving (either for one reason or another), I wish you all good luck with what awaits you next, as life awaits me. :)
It's been great, receiving this experience, knowing you all. Coming to this school from another school (in the city) that is ten times bigger, was quite the experience. I appreciate all my band geeks, and their spirit (Remember what I've told you guys.. NEVER loose that enthusiasm.. Show the whole school just how great it is to be a part of that family!!).
I remember when i was younger.. i couldn't wait to grow up and be my own boss; but now that it's here, I'm more nervous than having to play a flute solo for a judge.. ^^;
Just a word to the wise:
Don't waste your years, don't wish them away;
enjoy your friends, enjoy your life where it's at right now.
It'll be all over way to soon.
"Don't blink" by Kenny Chesney

~Dori CXl, The 4getful fish (aka) Victoria Rose Moffett
me and my grandma Moffett (1949-2006)
me at my Girl Scout Bronze award Ceremony (a big deal at my rank)

And lastly, this is me, at home, just pure boredom at it's best. <3

Congratulations to the (my) Class of 2012! we've made it! <3

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Google Drives Policy Issue

The Google Drives Policy issue is very controversial at best.

'"The terms of service are bad, but even worse is that Google has made clear it will change its terms of service whenever it wishes," said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).'

This is what I have found on: http://www.pcworld.com/article/254600/google_drive_privacy_policies_slammed.html

This is not all, however as there is always more.. but none of it is good news..

'Still another Dropbox user, -- Mark Mc., noted that while Google might not sell or disclose data without a user's permission, "they can, however, use that data in anyway shape or form the like internally - and if that includes selling personalised [sic] ad's based on data farming of the files that I've uploaded I'm out of there!"'

There are an unfortunate number of people talking of how they are refusing to use google drive any longer; that it is all just a bunch of endless bull.

"Using music in projects" ~Reply

How does this affect me?
Easily, because in order to have the music i do, to be able to listen to it on the radio, how it catches my attention when television commercials play the music, it must be licensed. It influences my everyday life.
The fact that the "Birthday" song is copyrighted and protected just drops my jaw. I never knew, I just thought it was one of those things passed on and experienced.
Some crazy things happen in this world, I'm amazed to say, and because of that the music world is expanding into more and more confusion.
There were a lot of basics and things that i had never known, but now do.
So, just how DOES this affect me?

citation sites.

To begin, this was a semi-frustrating assignment. All-in-all, however, I found a site i liked the most, (not even sure if it technically is a 'good' site we were supposed to be going for, but it's one that i found the most information on my book!). It may or may not have been because of my book (or what i don't know..), but the site i went with best was good reads, because There are many places to find pretty decent citing’s, but this is the best that I’ve found. Just search your title, ISBN, etc. and you’ll find your book. Not only does it give you a cover, but as well as good reviews, an option to buy it online (if you so wish), etc. I personally enjoy it, and it’s good for ANY kind of document you’re looking for. As I have said before, it may not be an ACTUAL site, but it just happened to have the most information I didn't have to input myself.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Virtual Revolution - 4 May 2012

Today in class, we watched a documentary over the "Virtual Revolution"

It was interesting (for me at least, considering i didn't have a single inkling about this whatsoever in my head) to see just how far thing's have come virtually in the last (only) twenty-one (21) years!
 It's actually quite exciting, because it's not that much older than i am. and it's like I've practically grown up with this new revolution without even knowing it. I never knew the name of the guy who created the world wide web, nor anything about how or why or anything like that.. ^^; I'm certain us people have completely skewered far away from what the scientists actually had in mind for this generically amazing idea when they first brought it to us; when the first website went on the web. Although, isn't that how great ideas are supposed to go? one person develops it, hands it to the people and we do something alternately unique than what they first had?

Kinda reminds me of the Rubiks Cube:
The idea was to match up the colors so that each side had all the same.. but it's like once you do it, then you've got to tweak it a little until it becomes something completely different
 than what the creator/founder had in mind.

Anyhow, I thought the movie was pretty interesting, and i learned quite a bit i had yet to learn about. It was different. What I mean, is that you go to school, and you learn about all these other historical revolutions in our past, but never hear anything about the one going on right this minute, with all of us as the (unconscious) revolutionaries. Just something different, something to wake us up and keep us involved, because we now know we ARE involved, and all the historical revolutions are just yet another teaching tool on how to do this right.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

FB privacy policy

I have never, in my four years of Facebooking, thought much about the privacy settings too in depth as i probably should've. The way the privacy settings change from time to time, it's unbelievable! I also never knew you could actually Privatize almost everything on your account (put your FB privacy on lock down). Thing's are ten times more crazy then I thought it was... throwing everything out of alignment (at least for me). I don't think the Facebook policy should be that long.. It's ridiculous to think that not even the Constitution is that long! People don't already care to read it, but i for one would like to, if given the five years (yes, i over exaggerate, but still..) it takes to read every last little word. I like reading, but jeez.. -.-x
we should be given at least some fairness in this world of seriousness and cruelty..
Things this seemingly easy should not be so difficult. and i'm not just blaming FB for it's long privacy policy, oh, no. This here goes to the rest of 'em with their long, drawn out, ridiculous policies as well.
But, i digress.